The Bahamas is getting ready to welcome visitors back with its warm inviting hospitality while protecting the islands from the highly contagious coronavirus by implementing detailed testing protocols for all travelers. Currently, all travelers to the islands must Continue Reading
Exempted Businesses Extended Hours And Days Of Operation
Covid-19 update as of May 25th, 2020. Source of information from, please visit for more information. Medical & Health Service Facilities Allowed to operate and provide non-emergency health services in accordance with operating guidelines outlined Continue Reading
Latest Bahamas Covid-19 Updates
Source of informationΒΒ as of May 18th, 2020. Travel Update 1. Government aiming for on or before July 1 2020 to reopen commercial Travel to the Bahamas! This is a tentative date and may change. 2. Gradual re-opening of inter-island travel between all Continue Reading
Slowly, Bahamas Is Re-opening…
More Islands allowed to resume normal commercial activity as of May 18th, 2020... The Bahamas is making progress to re-opening the country by granting smaller islands permission to resume normal daily operations. The Prime Minister announced on Sunday, May 17th, 2020 Continue Reading
Southern Bahamas Resumes
Commercial activity resume in Southern Bahamas Islands. On May 4th, 2020, the Prime Minister announced that the islands in the Southern Bahamas may resume normal commercial activity once social distancing measures are enforced and all persons must wear a mask when leaving Continue Reading
Rental Assistance Program
If you are a tenant that has been affected by the Covid-19 Pandemic financially, you may qualify for a rental assistance program that the Bahamas Government put into effect. See the information below from the Office of the Prime Minister. Source - Continue Reading
Bahamas Covid-19 Rules
Source of information as of April 30th, 2020. Curfew Monday - Friday there is a 24-hour curfew in effect from Monday 5am to Friday 9pm. Only essential workers and businesses are exempted from the 24-hour curfew. This is in effect until May 30th, 2020. Continue Reading